Thursday, August 25, 2011

Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving

 At the beginning of the Summer my children had already started planning their Halloween costumes.  I wondered if it was a little premature at the time but I soon realized that they were being influenced by all the holiday decor displayed in most of the shops and stores.  Even I already had my special issue Martha Stewart Halloween magazine.  (If you enjoy celebrating for Halloween then this is the best magazine by far.  It shows a little more of a sophisticated viewpoint.)

 I started being more aware of all the holiday decor already on display and how creative the stylists were.  I was in a Lowes that really showed the sense of humour of one of it's employees.  There was a life sized ghoul standing next to a display of sunscreen.

 I guess the message was "buy this sunscreen or you may end up like me..."   Slightly creepy.

I didn't see any Halloween decor at Hobby Lobby but Fall and Christmas were out in full swing.

And of course, the Christmas trees have been out since like Easter.  The standard evergreens for those with traditional sensibilities.

 And attention getting colors for those who like their decor to make a statement.  I thought these trees were a little pricey considering they were only about 12 inches in diameter at the widest section and about 6 ft tall.  (Not so much trees but colorful spears.)  I think a large number of these "spears" grouped together would look smashing.

I understand how designers and creative types need to start working on holiday decor and projects a good six months before the actual holiday and special events occur.  I sometimes like being able to buy seasonal items ahead of time myself.  I just don't like how the clothing industry is on the same six month schedule.  I'm not really interested in squeezing myself into a swimsuit when they start selling them in January- right after I've eaten three holiday's worth of fabulous food.  By the time Summer rolls around it's nearly impossible to find a swimsuit.  (Unless you're interested in mismatched skimpy bikinis in size 0 or hideously designed modesty suits that have already been rejected by every other swimsuit shopper on the planet.)  But hey, you can find a wonderful selection of dancing santas instead.

So what do you think of holiday decor in the Summer--love it or loathe it?

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