Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude (Day 3) Helpful Bloggers.

In becoming part of the blogging community, (either by hosting your own blog or just being an avid blog reader) you have the opportunity to become inspired, entertained, taught, moved or unimpressed by the myriad of blogs in existence.  I am so thankful for the gracious, helpful bloggers that I've come across. 

Almost a year ago a friend of mine on Facebook posted a picture from a blog of a grouping of plates on a wall.  I followed the link and my life changed forever.  (Not really, well maybe just a little...)  Up until that point I had NO IDEA that there were blogs purely devoted to design, decor and DIY.  (And yes, I do live under a rock.)  The only blogs I was aware of were family blogs and those dedicated to stirring up arguments and discord (through largely worthless opinions.)  Suddenly my eyes were opened to a whole new world of like-minded individuals--people who loved design as much as I did.  I knew I wanted to start my own blog right away but waited a few months to get a feel for it and also because fear was holding me back.  I knew next to nothing about blogging or even basic computer functions like how to post a picture.  (Remember the rock?)

One of the first blogs I started reading was Funky Junk.  Donna's style was so original and unique.  And now almost a year later her blog is still one of my favorites.  But it's not just because of her funky style and beautiful photos.  Donna has a big blog and is extremely busy but she is very gracious and helpful.  Her post subjects are positive and full of encouragement and information for other bloggers.  Reading a Funky Junk post was what gave me the inspiration and courage to start my own blog in March.  

So, I am thankful for Donna and other bloggers like her who are positive, helpful and especially gracious.  They continue to inspire.

(photo credits: floral (; Donna (



  1. I'm grateful that you left such a sweet comment on my blog, and I'm grateful to find your lovely blog :) There are so many great people in blogland, and Donna is definitely one of them. Glad you were inspired to start blogging!

  2. Hello, you do have a lovely, 'charming blog' I am glad I happened by for a visit and thoroughly enjoyed strolling through your blog,
    your newest follower,

  3. I must have lived under the same rock as you because I didn't know such blogs existed until earlier this year! I'm glad we both crawl out from under our rock!
