Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to Make Great Photos Without Skills or Money

I've just spent a week outside Santa Fe, New Mexico with my sister visiting our Grandma.  It was a great trip but no Internet so I've been away from the blog for awhile.  (A week in blogger time feels like about 6 months in regular time!)

Before I left on my trip, Picnik, an awesome online photo editing site, announced that it would be closing April 19th of this year.  (A huge Boo Hoo!)  As I felt the ripples of disappointment and disbelief across blogland I thought I would share what I like about Picnik, myself.

Any blogger knows the importance of photo quality.  There are so many blogs out there and many with magazine quality pictures.  It's sometimes difficult for a "point and shoot" gal (or guy) to keep up.  Photo editing software or online editing can help make a photo the best it can be.  Picnik is easy to use and it's free.  Now that it's closing, all the premium features are available at no cost as well.  There is nothing to join and no secret passwords to enter.

There are so many things you can do with.Picnik  You can even out skin tone and whiten teeth.  Sharpen the picture and brighten the color or just give it a whole new look with different filters.

The photo above I took of some daisies that I brought outside to my back patio for the best available light.  (With my camera I have to bring pretty much everything outside to photograph- it's slightly annoying.)  This photo didn't need much editing and all I basically did was add my blog name watermark.

This photo was taken last Summer at the lake near our home.  It looks as though my 15 yr old is getting ready to give a smooch to our pooch, Bella.  And yes, that is a pink hairdo my daughter is sporting.  (It was a Summer fling--she is now back to blonde.)  The above photo is the original with only the watermark added.

I started with the original photo but then cropped it and added the "Gritty" filter.  This is one of my favorite looks.

The same photo, I cropped it a little more and gave it a "Boost" filter.  You can create so many different looks from one photo.

Last October, our family spent some time in California.  My in laws rent a beach house each year for the whole month of October.  We are always invited to visit.  (They are awesome like that.)  This particular day we were at Newport Beach and started throwing around the football and frisbee.  Somehow my 12 yr old caught some air and ended up in a wacky pose for the picture.  The above photo is the original.

With this version, I brightened the colors, gave it an "Ortonish" filter and added a reflection frame.  I also used the watermark to date the photo.

For the last photo set I wanted to show how you can take an underwhelming photo and give it a slightly more interesting look.  This original beach picture of San Juan Capistrano is somewhat drab in my opinion.

With a few tweaks from Picnik and the "Vignette" filter, this photo now has a cool vibe.

So if you're not currently using a photo editing system then give Picnik a try.  (Before it closes.)  It is so easy to use and fun to try new looks.  (I sound like a commercial.)

For those who use another photo editing program, what do you use and is it fantastic?  (Apparently, I'll be shopping around for a new one soon...)


  1. Great photos. I'm so sad Picnik is closing shop. As for an alternative, I've yet to find one that's free. So, if you're lucky enough to come across one, please keep us posted. I promise to do the same. I missed you, Miss Charming! Happy you're back! Much love, Lisa

  2. Awwwww nooooo. I had no idea Picnik was shutting down. I do have an alternative. Photoshop.com has a free option, and it's quite nice! Go to online tools, then choose Photoshop Express Editor. Voila.

  3. Just ran across your blog n a panicky search to locate the "how to's" on making the superfly fabric rosettes that adorn the "Cutesy Spring Wreath" project. Is there a tutorial for the flowers & if so, where?
    Love your blog & your comments re: Picnik as I, too, feel your pain when I think of a world without the ability to edit with Picnik!
