Thursday, January 5, 2012

What I Like About Your Blog

For all you fellow bloggers out there, have you wondered what people REALLY think of your blog?  Most comments we receive are generally positive and encouraging.  (Thank goodness.)  But what if you could receive honest constructive advice on what areas really rock on your blog and what areas need improving?

Heather from  Inspire Me Heather has set up a link party that does just that.  A couple of randomly chosen bloggers will fully critique your blog stating (in their opinion) what they like and what needs improving.  Then you will also anonymously evaluate two blogs yourself.  Each blogger won't know who evaluated their blog and will be able to take the advice to heart or disregard it.  It's just a chance for fellow bloggers to help each other out to make our blogs the best they can be.

I have a long list of things planned myself that I'm going to change or improve on Charming Zebra in the near future so I definitely need all the advice I can get.  I'm thrilled to participate in Heather's What I Like About Your Blog party.  If you'd like to join me just go to Inspire Me Heather and add your blog link.

Now for those who have advice on improving Charming Zebra right now then let me have it.  (Try to be a little more constructive than "Your picture is ugly and your blog sucks.")  I guess I'm looking more along the lines of how fast my pictures load, how easy it is to leave a comment, layout, content and design, etc.  Thanks for all your support.  You're great bloggy friends.


  1. I would love to do this but I do not know if I have the nerve! I would be afraid that what I like about my blog is what they dislike!

    Thank you for your kind comment over at Team Skelley! :) I appreciate it!

  2. I'm with Katie....I'm not sure I'm brave enough. What if they don't like it and decide they won't ever visit again? Will I get a second chance to win their favor?
    But, on the other hand. I have decided that I am going to try and grow my blog this year...I'm still pretty maybe this is part of growing....painful as that usually is!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. I've signed up, too!

  4. Thank you for posting this ~ Heather

  5. girl, this is brilliant! thank you so much for posting... i'm heading to heather's after i toss some honest comments your way.

    for me, your photos rock and hooked me into subscribing via email... saved for my fave reads, only. i also like the clean, unobstructed look of your blog design; less is more to me, i guess.

    that said, i would LOVE to have more info about YOU ...and the significance of the banner photo, which is so unique. oh, while you're explaining yourself, what's up with the zebra? i read so many blogs that i forget who i'm reading sometimes and feel a bit disconnected.

    of course, being a recent follower, i may have missed or haven't stumbled upon posts about the above yet. if so, send me the link!
