Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Party With Your Pets

You're invited!  Yes, you!  In honor of National Pet Week (May 6th through 12th), I'm teaming up with Sharla from The House at Bluebird Lane to host our very first ever rockin' pet linky party!  (It's going to be great!)  This year will be the 31st anniversary of National Pet Week.  A time for education and celebration of our furry, feathered and scaly companions.

We'll be hosting a week long pet linky party starting Sunday, May 6th.  All you have to do is link up a post about your wonderful (or maybe not so wonderful) pets.   You may also link up posts relating to pet projects, homemade doggy treats or anything celebrating the animals in our lives. 

So get your pet posts ready for our rockin' party next week.  We can hardly wait to meet your favorite critters!


  1. Gwyneth is so stinkin' excited about this announcement!!
    mk & Gwynnie

  2. What a wonderful idea! I'll be linking up my little Kayla and Kensie (2 little Shih Tzus) Your cat has the most beautiful face and coloring. Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving your comment about my little china cabinet. I can't wait until your house tour link is finished because I love house tours!

  3. How fun! Looking forward to this fun par-tay! Thanks for checking out my blog and your kind words. Jane

  4. I followed over from my blog Distressed Donna Down Home. I am looking forward to this pet party - I have two rescue cats and two rescue dogs at the moment. I am so excited that you visited. I have browsed through - love your kitchen and the adventure of the trash can was fun! Please let me know, if you have the time, if this comment comes up "no reply" - I am having trouble getting that to stay off.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! I'm returning the favor. ;) I also plan on participating in the pet link party next week! In fact, I was just thinking I should do a post about our only pet.

  6. Very cute idea thanks for hosting I'll be there
