Thursday, June 7, 2012

Soccer Makes You Ugly

 Soccer doesn't really make you ugly.  But it's interesting to see all the strange body contortions that result during the throes of the game.  All four of my children have played soccer but #3 (the most competitive of the bunch) plays year round and is quite serious about it.

These photos were all taken about a month ago during the Western District and State Finals.

I'm not sure where the ball is at this point but the player in the orange doesn't seem too happy about getting an elbow to the head.

#3 definitely puts his all into a shot.  (What is his right arm even doing?)

 I had to do a close up!  Check out the neck.  (Hulk. Smash.)

 He usually does multiple headers a game.  (That's one of his things.)  Since I am not usually (or ever) playing on the field with him, I was never close enough to see the facial contortions necessary to head the ball.  (Slightly scary...)

 Another shot of the right arm flung back during a kick while the left arm is pushing away another player.

 I thought this photo was interesting with so many players in the air.  The goalie (in blue) is out of the box so he missed the ball and our team scored.

 I call this the dance.  You aren't allowed to push each other in soccer with your arms but you CAN lean into another player with your shoulder.  Here #3 and another player are trying to muscle each other away from the ball.  (They're practically holding hands!)

So, while soccer may make you temporarily look strange (left arm resembles a twisted twig)  it has so many wonderful benefits for keeping in shape and developing team camaraderie.   (Plus, it's fun to watch!)

So what about you?  Do you do anything that makes you look strange temporarily?  For me?  Anytime I work out (Not pretty.),  while I'm doing a project (why get dressed and scary hair), and of course, housework (paint splattered pajamas are just fine, right?)


  1. LOVE the pictures! Your post made me laugh! Makes you wonder what we look like when really concentrating on a project. :-)

  2. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
      - Colin L. Powell Nike Free Run Danmark

  3. These pictures are fabulous! I thought you were going to say that soccer made you ugly as a mom who got into the game WAY too much. Basketball did that to me when our boys were playing. Sometimes I didn't even recognize myself-I would get so worked up! Now that was ugly.

  4. FYI-I posted a pic of Pearl with her cute little sock monkey. check her out when you get a minute!
