Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pineapple Lamp

Pineapple has to be one of my favorite fruit. I love the juicy taste, scent and sculptural shape. I associate it with good things and positive experiences.

I had been looking for another lamp and came across this Lyford Cay pineapple lamp. The look of the lamp really appealed to me so I made a mental note to be on the look out for one.

The very next day (I'm totally serious) I stopped off at a Goodwill that I don't usually frequent. It's a little more run down (and smells) than the other Goodwill stores (although the staff is probably the nicest.) And I usually don't find much there. In the furniture section I saw this pineapple lamp for $5.99. Crazy, right? And the decor is an actual pineapple. (Many times lamps are described as being a pineapple when really they are either an acorn or a pine cone.) This lamp was extremely well made and HEAVY. Aside from the mid nineties finish I thought it was perfect.

All I did was spray paint it white and top it with a shade I already had.

It came with a working light bulb. (The jury is still out on the shade though...)

I'm very pleased with my pineapple!

(photo credits: pineapple, jugalbrandi; Lyford Cay, Estate Eclectic)


  1. I LOVE IT!! You always find the most amazing stuff at Goodwill.

  2. Wow, so cool! Are you thinking a white or brightly colored shade might be better?

  3. I actually like the color of the shade. It's just the shape that I think could be better.

  4. I have a lamp just like this that is currently a dark brown finish. Now I know just what I want to do with it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and am your newest follower! :)

  6. What an awesome Goodwill find! And I definitely like it better after you spray painted it white. Very cute!

  7. I love your pineapple lamp makeover. I love the barrel shade on the inspiration lamp photo. Target has some linen-y ones at reasonable prices. The one you have looks good too. It's fun when you get something that's pretty and doesn't break the bank. Thanks for coming to THT.

  8. Can't say I feel the same way you do about the fruit but I'm LOVIN' what you did to the lamp!!! And $5.99 makes it even more awesome!!!

  9. What a great find! It was obviously meant to be!!

  10. A coat of paint made so much difference, looks fantastic. I love it painted white.
