Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day of Thrifting

Today I attended the I LOVE THRIFTING party in Austin.

Here are two great bloggers I met and searched for great deals with. Beth from Free Stylin and Lorie from Be Different Act Normal. For some reason this was the only picture I took of people. So none of me or the other girls we shopped with. I also enjoyed meeting with Jamie from C.R.A.F.T.

We first met at Salvation Army. I thought this painting was interesting.

This scrolly headboard was cool but the $1,000 price tag left me cold.

I thought this was the strangest thing there. A print of a mixture of food that probably would have been yummy but in the picture it looked like (quoting my son here) "something that would be in a pig's trough.)

The best thing there was this lamp. I ended up bringing it home with me.

The lamp shade was a little odd but I really liked the base of the lamp. It was so heavy I thought I might have to rent a dolly just to get it into my car.

It had an interesting looking finial.

And Great Grandma's crocheted doily carefully glued around the top of the shade.

Gotta love the fringe around the bottom. This shade was definitely created for a specific look. Or a specific person. (It's a mystery why they ever gave it up...)

The second place we shopped was a Goodwill Store in south Austin. We each ended up buying something there. My great purchase was a plaster angel. (Please don't tell me you saw one at some overpriced boutique. Since it's real plaster I've convinced myself that it is a true vintage find.) It's pretty solid and has an old looking hook on the back. (I think I would like it even better if it wasn't playing a musical instrument and didn't have a grimace on it's face.)

We stopped for a fun lunch and then hit the second Goodwill of the day. None of us bought anything there. This headboard was crazy cool.

It was huge with a carved wooden frame around an upholstered middle. The price tag read $35. It also had a sign on it that said, SOLD!

The last store we visited was the Habitat for Humanity Restore. It was full of second hand housing construction items like doors, windows, lights and toilets. I found three round grates of different sizes to hang in my son's room for decorative purposes. (I just need to do a little DIY to them first.)

I thought this grate would look good with large wooden house numbers hanging down vertically.

I bought this lamp and plan on changing it into something great.

After a grueling day of shopping, what better to do (in the 100 degree heat) other than finding some summer refreshment? Amy's Ice Cream is well known and extremely popular in Austin. (Not to mention, very tasty.)

The only picture I have of myself is this reflection of us looking into an art studio.

My favorite part of the day? Hanging with such fun people. My favorite ITEM of the day was the plaster angel, of course. (Now just to figure out where to put her...)

1 comment:

  1. LOVED hanging out with you!! We have to do it again soon!! Can't wait to see what you do with your treasures. :)
