Saturday, July 2, 2011

More Bathroom Updates and How to Patch a Hole.

Well, I've been working on the bathroom again. (I've been updating the previous updates.)

If you remember from my previous bathroom post that this lovely African motif was the before.

And this hand painted stenciled bathroom was the after.

Before animal masks.

And the creepy after.

One item I didn't mention in the first post was this hole in the wall. Someone in my family (who shall remain nameless because he denies it but we all know it was him) knocked down a heavy art piece hitting and tearing the anchors of the toilet paper roll holder right out of the wall.

I painted over it but it needed something to cover the hole.

I found a drywall patch at Lowes. (And since it is extremely late as I type this and my judgement isn't as keen I'm going to share a clueless moment I had. When I looked at the patch at the store I noticed the 4 x 4 in the top right corner meaning the size of the patch was a 4 inch square. For some reason when I saw it I thought I was getting 4 patches at 4 inches each. And then I actually was surprised when I opened it and found only 1 patch in the package. Slightly embarrassing.)

Anyway, the patch was too big so I cut it to fit and stuck it over the hole.

I used some paintable spackling to cover the patch.

After it dried I lightly sanded it and sprayed it with a can of texture.

Here is the painted over wall. I can still see the patch somewhat. If it still bothers me after the paint fully dries then I will try spraying a little more texture on it.

I also went back over the design with glossy paint.

And I got rid of the old decor including the mildly frightening animal masks. I found this mirror at Hobby Lobby half off. I love it!

So once again here is the before.

The charming after. I really like how it turned out.

Now all I need to do is to find a mirror to go over the sink.


  1. I love how it turned out! I printed that stencil from Jones too so it'll be in my house somewhere soon!!! I laughed as I read your post about your "African" bathroom...we have those same masks here in our house! I like the look of it but your new bath oozes sophistication!!!

  2. The stenciled wall is amazing! And I love, love, love that mirror!

  3. I purchased 2 of those mirrors for a client's living room. I love them! Great job on the room. Come check me out and follow along when you get a chance.

  4. The mirror looks wonderful with the stenciled walls. I'm a new follow, and hope you follow me, too. Thanks!

  5. I'm totally loving the mirror...almost as much as that stenciled wall. I thought it was wallpaper! You obvious possess a tremendous amount of talent...and patience!!!

  6. NICE!! I love the gray and silver the bathroom looks wonderful.

  7. That mirror on the beautiful stenciled wall looks fantastic!

  8. Wow, that's gorgeous!
    Love the sunburst mirror, & you crack me up with the animal masks :)

  9. Quite a transformation, you've done a lovely job with the bathroom, love the mirror and the stencilling...looks terrific!

  10. I just saw this feature on Under The Table And Dreaming, and wanted to come over and tell you how stunning your bathroom looks! I love seeing all the different transformations, I like this one the best! Very classy looking.

  11. My husband and I aren't very handy, to top it off, my son and husband are rough on things and we have lots of holes in walls here and there. Well, thanks to you, those are now going to be patched since it seems so easy to do! Wish me luck!

  12. PS - Love the new look of the bathroom!

  13. Where did the stencils come from? Truly lovely and I think I want to try this too.

  14. Ditto to the last comment... How did you do the stencil? Thanks!

  15. The stencil was actually an outline of the design from Jones Company Design. The link is on the first part of my bathroom redo post. I actually traced it onto the wall and then painted it on by hand. Fairly easy, just a little time consuming.

  16. Wowzers! Turned out amazing! I am featuring you on SJ~!


  17. Holy Smokes! love love love it! I came over from Spunky Junky and I'm in love with your blog! I'm your newest follower!

  18. LOVE that stenciled wall! Looking at doing one similar in my dining room this week! Great Blog!

  19. I love that stencil! I want to do that in my bedroom! Your bathroom looks great!

  20. Love your bathroom - I just did my bathroom too, and now it sort of looks like the cousin of yours...Too funny :) Love that stencil. I was going to do the Jones one but was worried about the time consuming hand painting. Your mirror has got me thinking now !
    I hope you will stop by my blog (found you on TT&J)
    Chris @FreckleFaceGirl

  21. LOVE IT! Can u share what that blueish color is? I have a weakness for all things blue shades. :)

  22. so elegant and fresh I love the color palette
    Rasha @ mychampagnetaste
