Monday, November 21, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude (Day 21) Books.


One of my earliest memories of reading is being in the first grade and asking the teacher how to pronounce the word, "enough."  (I'm not sure why that is something I still remember all these years later other than the teacher telling me that I should have already known how to pronounce it.)  Even back then I had a love for books (despite my teacher's underwhelming compassion) that is still with me today.  Although, my taste in literature is slightly more sophisticated now.  There is just something about the look and feel of a book that is appealing.  Other trends may come and go in decorating but using books as a decorative element is always current. 


There was a mini trend recently of switching the books backwards on a shelf or bookcase so the spines would be facing in and the overall look was more of a cohesive neutral palette.  (Not a bad look if you never needed to determine which book was which.)  This look was mainly seen in professionally styled photos so probably not used much by the average bibliophile.


Another popular trend was wrapping each book individually in colored, patterned or plain wrapping to create a certain coordinating look.  (I would love it if two little elves came in the middle of the night and wrapped all the books in our house.)  We have so many.  On second thought, maybe not.   I'm sure two of my darling children would remove every one of them just as they have removed every book jacket already that has come into the vicinity of their little hands.  (Not sure why this is, it's just something they do.)  I guess our books are destined to remain mismatched and well used.

So today I'm thankful for books.  For the pleasure of reading as well as the beauty of decorating with them.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great thing to be thankful for! I'd be very sad without books. :)
