Thursday, November 24, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude (Day 24) Traditions.

We had a turkey when I was a wee tot.   It was a large white tom.  The bird was huge and it would chase my brother around the pen when he went in to feed it with the rest of the barnyard menagerie.  (It didn't chase anyone else but him.)  I had forgotten all about that until I saw this picture of the turkey.  We tend to associate turkeys with the Thanksgiving holiday.   And It's a tradition to serve it for the big meal.  One year I tried to get away with cooking a large chicken instead of the requisite turkey.  I really didn't think it was a big deal but my family was appalled--even the little ones.  How dare I mess with tradition?  (So, it's been a turkey ever since.)  Traditions are important to my children.  Even things that I don't think are necessarily a tradition the kids will think otherwise.  I guess it's about familiarity and comfort.  Everything from drinking our special punch during the holidays to opening one present on Christmas Eve.  We even have special plates we use for Thanksgiving and yes, they are adorned with a turkey.

So today I'm thankful for traditions.  Whether big or small, they bring our family closer together during the holidays.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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