Saturday, November 26, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude (Day 26) Christmas Lights.


It was just yesterday that I was writing about enjoying the mild weather outdoors.  This morning we received some much needed rain and then the temperature dropped about 25 degrees.  (Hello, cold weather.)  Now that Thanksgiving is past, the Christmas preparations can be seen in full swing throughout my neighborhood.  As Bella and I went on our walk this evening we saw so many Christmas tree lights twinkling through windows as well as outdoor displays.  It really helped to put me in the Christmas spirit.  (Bella, on the other hand seemed more interested in sniffing for squirrels and entertaining her own doggy thoughts.)

So today I'm thankful for Christmas lights.  They bring a festive spirit to an otherwise ordinary place.

(photo credit:


  1. I love Christmas lights too! And I'm SO happy about this cooler weather! Sweaters ahoy!

  2. Your blog is lovely. I love the "30 Days of Gratitude". I look forward to reading more when I have more time. Thank you for commenting on my post!

  3. My son is almost 2.5 years old, and this is the first Christmas he's really paid any attention to Christmas-related paraphenalia...we've found out that he LOVES the lights. We'll drive the neighborhood and he'll be so excited that he'll even cheer if someone has their garage open with the lights on! It's made this time of year so much more fun though. Thanks for sharing...great idea for a series of posts.
