Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude (Day 7) Learning new things.

I am grateful for the ability to learn new skills in something (my whole bloggy existence) that I started out knowing very little about.  Recently I learned two very basic blogging items:  1) To add a watermark to my photos.  2) To have a signature at the end of each post.

Crafterminds has a wonderful step by step tutorial on how to add a watermark to each of your photos.  (I wish I would have known how to do it when I first started blogging.)  If you're a blogger or post pictures anywhere online then it is something you really should do to make sure that your images are credited back to you.

Donna at Funky Junk Interiors has a simple tutorial that explains exactly how to add a signature to the bottom of each of your blogging posts for that personal touch.

So today I'm so thankful for learning new things.  Hooray for knowledge!

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