Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Plan, Resolve and Dream

At the beginning of a new year plans are formed, resolutions are made and dreams are born.  I started a list yesterday of all the projects I wanted/needed to do around the house.  (And the list still isn't finished.)  There are plenty of items on it to keep me busy for the next few years.  I can make plans or resolutions to become better anytime but for some reason starting at the beginning of a new year makes it more official.  As though I am starting over with a clean slate and anything is possible.  Run a marathon? (sure),  remodel every room in the house? (no problem),  teach the cat to tap dance? (well, maybe next year.  The only forseeable challenge might be finding tiny feline tap shoes...)

So for 2012 I am resolving to take better care of things.  My family, my home, my responsibilities, my blog and myself (hence the strawberries replacing holiday goodies.)  I have big plans in the works.  And since we're in the beginning of the new year, anything is possible.  Dream big, I always say.


  1. Nothing like a new year and a clean slate. A new year holds a ton of potential!! Happy New Year!!!

  2. Absolutely, Miss Charming! Anything's possible! The berries look delicious. Talk about resolutions, I'm about to grab an orange myself. :) Hugs, Lisa
