Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby Steps Count, Too

Like many well intentioned people I have a number of new goals for 2012.  "Take Chances" is my mantra for the year and I have all sorts of fantastic plans.  Unfortunately, like many people, life tends to get in the way.  For example, I have huge goals for my home with detailed plans for each room.  I would have hoped to have finished some major projects by now (come on it's already the 20th!).  But alas, only a few things have been done.  We have company visiting and are preparing for a trip next week amid all the craziness of school, work and children's schedules.

I've come to realize that baby steps count, too.  Every little bit in the right direction is a success.  Sometimes we get it into our head that if we don't have the whole massive thing completed immediately then somehow we have failed.  Do you have a goal to live in a healthier way?  Maybe the only thing you were able to do today was eat an apple and stretch for 5 mins (instead of an hour at the gym).  Every little bit helps.  You want your home to be totally organized but so far, were only able to clean out one sock drawer.  Baby steps count, too.

So my new goal (yes, I've made another) is to appreciate the process.  Some days I will be able to accomplish so much and move ahead by leaps and bounds.  Other times I may seem to crawl along or stand still for a moment.  I plan to count each little step towards my plans and goals as successes.

My schedule for today:  Spend time with my Mother in Law (and tackle that sock drawer).

So how have you been working towards your goals?  Sprinting ahead or temporarily jogging in place?  Remember, baby steps count, too.


  1. Great advice - I completely agree, as long as you are working towards your goals you're making progress. Love that pic.

  2. The journey is as equally important as the destination! Much love, Lisa

  3. I love this! I'm printing it out and hanging it by my writing desk as a reminder to enjoy the process. :)
