Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Word of the Year

The trendy thing in blogdom right now is to choose a word that defines or creates a theme for the new year.  Somewhat of a one word summation of all your goals and resolutions.  So being the trendy (ahem) lady that I am I have decided to follow my fellow bloggers with a word to motivate and direct my decisions for 2012.  Ready?  Here it is--  Take Chances.  (Yes, I realize it's actually two words.) 

When I was going over my goals and plans for 2012 these two words kept coming up.  Take Chances.  To motivate myself and my family to reach new goals.  To grow and experience things out of our respective comfort zones.

I had the opportunity to put my Word(s) into practice as I redesigned my mantel decor.  Instead of going with the usual (expected and safe) soft colors that I normally use, I took a chance on bright red.  A color I had loved as a child but had shied away from as an adult.  Because of choosing this bright red I was able to come up with an awesome idea centered around the color itself. That wouldn't have happened if I had selected from my typical palette.

I can't wait to show you my mantel.  I'm really excited about it.  It's not finished as I am still making a few items and ordering things  (It would be nice to have my own Silhouette machine.) but hopefully, it will be ready soon.

I would like to invite all you fellow bloggy friends to come up with a word (or two) that defines your theme or direction for the new year.  What do you hope to accomplish?  I have a feeling that 2012 will be a year of great successes.  Come on, you can do it!

(On a related note, I took a chance and figured out how to fix the faulty Pinterest button on my sidebar.  It's now up and running.  Also, I added my Twitter button for those of you who like to tweet.) 

(photo credits: (red leaves)- google.com via pinterest; (poster-) http://www.consulting.ky/)


  1. Good for you in fixing the Pinterest button...I still can't figure out how to even get one! LOL
    My word would be CONFIDENCE. I am always filled with self doubt and it stops me from doing things...OFTEN....so that's what my word is and I hope just writing it here will make it happen!

  2. Great idea... my word is CLARITY - I need to make some tough decisions and have been wavering back and forth for quite some time now... 2012 is the year!

  3. I can't wait to see your mantel! I LOVE red (I'm wearing it today, in fact). I guess my word would be PERSISTENCE. I want to stick with the things I've started and see them through to completion in the new year. :)

  4. Oh, Miss Charming - great words to live by - in 2012 and ALWAYS! Take chances! For me, it's face fears, let go, breathe! On another note, be sure to pop on over and enter my giveaway! You were my FIRST follower and because of that, will always hold a special place in this bloggers heart! Much love, Lisa

  5. PERSEVERANCE! To keep pushing forward toward my personal goals and endeavors. Sometimes the "cliche" light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away and unreachable. I guess we have to remember to simply take a few steps each day and over time we'll be within its warmth.

  6. Great words! Mine might be diet...
