Thursday, February 16, 2012

Heirloom China

I really enjoy finding vintage and second hand items to use and to decorate my home.  I believe they have character and a history that just isn't present in brand new items.  And something that is even better than owning a piece of someone else's history is having your own.  Last Summer, when we made the trek to (ovenlike) Arizona I brought home my Grandma's crystal chandelier and china.  I had the chandelier rewired and washed each crystal by hand.  I installed it (all by myself) over the kitchen table where I see it every day.  (See post here.)

The china set has service for eight.  There are a few missing teacups but everything else is in beautiful condition.  I'm estimating the china to be from the late 1930's to early 1940's but I'm going to have to do some sleuthing up the family tree to know for sure.

Although my Grandma died over a decade ago, it's interesting to me to now own the china that she selected herself as a young woman so many years ago.  To see which style appealed to her when she was choosing her china pattern.

(Looking at those flowers makes me want to have a tea party for some reason...)  I quite enjoy having this piece of family history in our home and plan to one day pass it on to my daughter.

Do you have an item that is from or even something that reminds you of your family's history? 

                                       Let's keep in touch!  Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Those are so pretty! How lucky to get a set almost complete! I have china from my mother dated from the 1930's. It's Lenox Rhodora. Very plain cream with a gold edge and a single rose in the center of the plate. I can't pass up chins too often myself! On Thursday, I do a shopping post and this week found a bunch of vintage china at the thrift. If you like china...go take a look. The tureen is especially pretty I think. Good post!

  2. Oh, so beautiful! I love the colours! Much love, Lisa

  3. Hi - thank you so much for commenting on my blog so beautifully. I love the pattern of the china your grandmother chose - it's like a painting. She had a very good eye! I love stuff like that - I only have one item (a dinner plate) of an early set that my mother owned and I cherish it so much. The pattern was like an impressionistic floral painting. Later in life she migrated to Melamine (goodness gracious!!) and then she bought a "Sunday" set - which was very modern (I never liked it at all). I never got to see anything that her mother owned (sadly). So - it's wonderful that you have a little bit of your grandmother to always have with you and to pass down.

    Thanks - please follow my blog (I am following you!). And - scroll down to the "Giveaway" that I am doing - a handpainted paint color fandeck of beautiful designer colors - the giveaway ends Saturday (tomorrow) at midnight!!!! So hurry back to my blog, OK!!!



  4. I love your china, it is so very pretty and lucky you!! My grandmother bought each of her grandchildren [all girls] a set of china and I cherish it to this day.

  5. Very very pretty! I have a china coffee set my mom gave me....I never saw her use it but it was tucked in a cabinet and I always asked her if I could have it one day....she gave it to me a number of years ago. Aren't family things the best!

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comment on my rose bowl.
    The china from your Grandmother is beautiful. I'm so glad you are able to have it. I don't have any china from family members, but do have several old pieces of furniture.
