Monday, February 20, 2012

When Good Things Happen to Good People (Just Not You.)

I had mentioned in a previous post how we went down to San Antonio for my son's soccer tournament and how the whole thing was canceled due to some crazy storming.  Well, this weekend was another soccer tournament.  This time in Austin.  We had such beautiful weather this last week but on the weekend it rained and rained so this tournament was canceled as well.  Yes, two tournaments canceled due to weather.  And what do you know?  Today is an absolutely beautiful day with the sun shining.  My son's soccer team had practiced and was well prepared for the tournament but didn't even get the chance to participate.  They were disappointed that things didn't turn out how they had prepared and planned for.

The cancellation of the soccer tournament this weekend reminded me a little of disappointment in general.  How we can plan, prepare and work so hard but still not reach our goals.  It may become frustrating when we see other achieving OUR dreams.  When that happens, we can either be happy for their success or have negative feelings that they were somehow less deserving.  (Or that maybe WE are less than deserving...)

To keep from wallowing in negativity and disappointment, we need to put the focus back on ourselves and try to figure out what we can do better.  How can we improve something that is good to make it great?  And what can we do with something that is already great to make it amazing?  Something that you are truly passionate about is worth your best effort.  Some dreams just take a lot more work.

How do you keep yourself motivated in the pursuit of YOUR dreams?

Let's keep in touch!  Follow Charming Zebra on Facebook and Twitter.



  1. Were you talking directly me? It sounded like you have been reading my mind. Since becoming disabled I stuggle with finding a balance between accepting my new limitations and motivating myself to improve. I can't wait to hear how your other readers answer this question.

  2. Staying focused on my dreams is a daily challenge for me. I find I so easily get distracted by my roles as wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. One thing that helps me is I keep a journal. Not a long winded, wordy journal - lists, quotes, words, etc. As silly as it sounds, I have also found Pinterest helps to keep my thoughts and visions organized. I think Traci has it figured out - finding balance. Much love, Lisa

  3. Great post, once again. Yes, dreams take more time to fulfill and sometimes we get frustrated when there are barbs in our way. We can do something about some barbs (like our own laziness or unwillingness to practice or persevere)and then there are the barbs (weather!) we can't do anything about.

    I know that I need to do more work on the things that I can change and I do try to do that every day. And reading blogs like yours help me to keep focused as thank you. Tell your son that he was prepared and that was the best thing he could do. Next time the sun will be shining and so will he!

    Thanks again for posting your comments on my blog about that fabulous nursery!


  4. again, you hit the diy nail on the head. we gotta keep our eye on our own ball and remember that there are enough balls out there for everyone!
