Monday, February 27, 2012

It Doesn't Have to Be Perfect...

It seems as though things have become busier around here lately and my blogging has definitely suffered.  I've determined that the problem is my mindset.  I tend to have the belief that a project I'm working on must be totally finished and in perfect condition before I can blog about it.  Unfortunately, that way of thinking doesn't jive with the way I normally do things.  I'm usually working on a number of different projects at the same time (scattered around my home) so perfect photos of fully completed projects aren't really happening in a timely fashion.

I've decided that in order for this blog to survive I need to stop trying to make every post perfect and to just share in the process.  (Because my "process" is usually filled with twists, turns and a few detours.)
So here is one project I'm currently working on...

This is a before photo of my kitchen.  The chandelier over the (eyesore) kitchen table was replaced with my Grandma's crystal chandelier.  I removed the iron scroll work from the wall...

...and replaced it with a collection of picture frames and an eagle mirror I found while junking in Arizona.  Everything was painted white and grouped together on the wall.

On a whim, I tucked some artwork from my children into some of the frames.  (Yes, I realize they are a little crooked.)  The kids were really excited to see their art displayed on the wall instead of stored away in the back of my closet.  Their reaction sparked a new idea in my little head.  (So now I have another project idea on my ever growing list.)

So here is how my kitchen looks today.  I may change things.  I may not.  It will never have the magazine photographers calling and it's far from perfect.  But for now, that's okay.  It's our house and we live here. 
(Now, if I would just do something about that table, already!)

What is your project style?  Do you start and complete one project at a time or do you have your hands into many different things at once?


  1. Amen and amen......I struggle too with feeling as though I need to have BIG project or WOW thing before I can blog about it! I have a bunch of stuff in the garage that needs finishing, I can't show pics of my bedroom because it's not "finished" enough, and on and on...
    So, you're definitely NOT ALONE....LOL

  2. Thanks for this post!

    I love it when bloggers share their process and even talk about their mistakes. That's how we all learn (I'm finding this out with outfit blogging, too). Of course it's fun to scroll through magazine-quality photos of perfectly arranged and tidy rooms, but then I wonder, who lives here, anyway? I love how you incorporated your children's drawings and the frames are slightly crooked. It adds personality, and that's something I can connect with. If I want to see perfectly decorated rooms and never-make-a-mistake craft projects, I'll just go buy a magazine. So keep at it! :)

  3. Very timely post, Miss Charming. It was just the other day that I was sharing emails with another blogger about this very subject. Early on, I decided that my blog would remain an outlet for me...not necessarily a place to 'showcase' things. Although you've been blogging a lot longer than me, I personally feel that this midset will allow me to sustain blogging. The pressure to only showcase perfection=disater for me. I'm so, so, sooooo happy you've reached this place in your blog. Much love, Lisa

  4. oh, yes, i'm nodding my head with you on this "perfection" thang. there's none of that going on in my life... or house. but isn't it amazing how we KNOW in our heads that others aren't living the perfect life or finishing the 45th perfect redo but it still feels like they are... and you're alone out there in the land of "almost"?

    i, for one, love the process and the thinking behind the changes people make. oh, and your kids' artwork!

    off to work on my current "almost"....thanks for this post!

  5. very pretty post love the picture frames your newest follower :)
