Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sweetheart Pink Ombre Cake

 One thing I love about reading awesome blogs is the inspiration I receive to tackle new or different projects.  This week as I was visiting the blog of designer Eddie Ross, I felt the stirrings of inspiration take hold of me.  (Or maybe it was just my sweet tooth...)

Eddie made a simply stunning six layer Pink Ombre Cake with basket weave frosting.  (Look at all that pink gorgeousness!)  I wanted to try to make an ombre cake myself about one second after I saw his.

 So here is my version of the Pink Ombre Cake.  I decided to forgo the intricate basket weave design and to just go with a sweetheart theme instead.

 I sprinkled a little coconut on the top of the cake.  I then melted white chocolate chips and added  food coloring to get two different shades of pink.  I scooped the melted chocolate into two different sandwich baggies with the corner tips cut off and used them like pastry bags.  I piped heart shapes and the word, "Love" on wax paper and then placed them in the fridge for a few minutes to firm up.  I then just pulled the hearts off the wax paper and arranged them on the cake.

I went with three layers but may try six next time.  The cake was from a mix tinted with food coloring but the frosting was homemade.

My version of the Pink Ombre Cake was created for my daughter's sweet sixteenth birthday.  (It was a hit!)

Have you ever been inspired to make or do something you read about in a blog?


  1. Thanks, Ana! (I believe I used a little too much frosting in between each layer but other than that I think it turned out great.)

  2. I saw and fell in love with this cake on his blog also but didn't try it yet. Yours turned out lovely! Hope your daughter had a great bday!

  3. Any left? I'm on my way over! I'll bring the coffee! Much love, Lisa

  4. What an amazing looking cake!!! YUM!

    Thanks for stopping by Nest Love Designs and becoming a follower!! I am now following you as well.

    Have a great week!

    <3 Michelle

  5. Your cake turned out so great! We just love the hearts on top. Thank you so much for including us on your blog!
    Your daughter is one lucky girl to have had such a special cake for her birthday.
    Hope you have a very sweet Valentines Day tomorrow.
    xo E + J

  6. That cake looks soooooooo good! I would love the icing recipe. I get inspiration for everything from faith to decorating from blogs.

  7. YES!
    I draw inspiration from nearly everything...and blogs have certainly helped...just made a cake with a beautiful petal design I saw on a blog...I love when the SAPRK hits you and you HAVE to create!

    your cake came out WONDERFUL!

  8. So pretty! I think yours looks better than the Eddie Ross actually caught my eye first! Love the addition of the hearts! :)
