Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Camping, Wallpaper and an Evil Queen

 Two Friday nights ago, I was in the middle of a dark forest surrounded by twelve teenage girls.  We were celebrating my daughter's 16th birthday party by having a "sleepover in tents"  in the woods.  We arrived at the campsite just as the sun went down so putting up the tents became a lengthier affair requiring multiple flashlights.  We ended up with two big tents for the girls and a small (might I stress the word SMALL) equipment tent for me.  My daughter thought I would be "more comfortable" having a tent to myself.  (I guess so that if we were attacked by creatures of the night, ONE of us might have a chance of escaping.)

It ended up being a lot of fun (tiny tent and frigid temperatures aside.)  We cooked our dinner and breakfast over a fire and the girls tie-dyed t-shirts and had a pinata.  We listened (and danced) to cool music and enjoyed each other's company.  (I had asked a number of MY friends to go too but everyone was so busy that weekend so it ended up just being me and the girls.)

I always seem to have design on the brain and when I saw these trees at the campsite I instantly thought of the interesting tree wallpaper on the t.v. show, Once Upon a Time.

The story line to Once Upon a Time is set in fairy tale land complete with Snow White and Prince Charming.  The beautifully Wicked Queen casts a spell on all of fairy tale land, transporting them into modern day.  Nobody knows that they are fairy tale people but the Queen (who is now the Mayor) and a wealthy, creepy and slightly evil Rumplestilskin.  The Mayor's office is a very glamorous but imposing monochromatic black and white with a bright accent of red apples.  There is the most interesting wallpaper which gives lots of texture and simulates a forest.  The set designer did a great job of creating a room that perfectly exemplifies the Mayor as being beautiful, cold and powerful.

This birch tree wallpaper looks similar to the design used in the Mayor's office.  I think it would make a nice impact on a feature wall or would look awesome in my garage.  (Has anyone ever wallpapered their garage before?)

And here is a reverse coloring of tree wallpaper in an entryway creating a totally different feel than the paper in the Mayor's office.

Have you ever been inspired by the decor on a t.v. show?


  1. Sounds like you had fun with the girls! Enjoy, a few short years and she will be out of the house. Laura

    1. I know what you mean. I'm trying to spend as much time with my children as I can. It's going by too fast...

  2. Happy day, Miss Charming. It was just yesterday that I was at Home Depot and saw the tree wallpaper! It is gorgeous! It sounds like you had a blast with the girls. My girl, Hannah, is at the age now where I am no longer cool or fun to hang with. I miss her. I did, however, mention a camping trip to celebrate her grade 8 graduation at the end of the year! She agreed it was a wonderful idea. I'm so excited and will keep you posted! Much love, Lisa

  3. I love this wallpaper! I think the brown tree design would look great in a study or an entryway.

  4. I haven't watched Once Upon a Time yet but I keep hearing about it! Guess it will be reruns for me...I love that room...it is cold feeling but stunning!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog & following! I love this tree wallpaper. And you aren't alone - I have also put up a tent in the dark (too many times!) Glad I found your blog :)

    Michelle @ Crazy for Crafts
