Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My First Craig's List Purchase. (And I Survived.)

 I had been looking for quite some time for new chairs to replace the originals of our golden farmhouse style kitchen table.  (You know, the one everyone has?)  My plan was to refinish and paint the table and then replace the chairs.  I envisioned an upholstered chair on each end of the table and then something different for the four remaining chairs.  

I had been perusing Craig's List (the virtual garage sale) off and on to see if there was anything I liked (dirt cheap) that fit my vision.  Two weeks ago, I saw an ad for two blue leather office chairs offered at $75.  There was only one chair in the tiny picture but I liked the way it looked.  The ad had been posted the day before which meant that the chairs were most likely already taken.  I responded to the ad anyway and not hearing anything back, just forgot about it for the rest of the week.

Almost a week later I received an email from the seller of the chairs that stated she had been out of town and that the chairs were still available if I wanted them.  (Ah, yes!)    I did want them but was a little hesitant to agree to meet some stranger for a money transaction.  I mean, I didn't want to end up being the headlining story on the 6 o'clock news.  (And not in a good way.)

The seller and I emailed and spoke on the phone a few times beforehand so I ended up feeling comfortable driving downtown to meet her.  The woman was pleasant and worked at a law firm.  They had moved office locations and didn't need the chairs anymore.  Since it was Spring Break I had my kids with me (free labor) to help with the chairs.  They were happy to come.  (After I promised we would go out to eat afterwards.)

In the office building, after I purchased the chairs I somehow became mixed up with directions to the service elevator.  We ended up on the opposite side of the building from where I had parked the minivan.  And of course, once we exited the building and carried the chairs up the steep ramp the doors locked behind us.  So instead of lugging the chairs around the perimeter of the building, I left my teenagers in the alley guarding the chairs (it sounds worse than it was) while I jogged around the whole building to reach the van and then navigated a few one way streets back to the kids.  (It was quite an adventure.)  The chairs miraculously fit into the back of the van and we were soon on our way, surviving our first Craig's List purchase.

The chairs are great in my kitchen.  I like that they are big and blue and were only $37 a piece. They do make it more obvious though that the table needs some work.  I hope to get to it soon.  (Along with the legion of other things on my to-do list.)

Have you ever purchased or sold anything on Craig's List?  Good experience or bad? 


  1. Oh my goodness, literally 90% of my house is Craigslist! And these chairs were an ah-MAZ-ing score. Wow!!!

  2. i love the chairs. i live for craigslist. i've sold a few thing, but mostly buy, and buy a lot!

  3. I think those chairs are going to be terrific repainted. I bought one successful purchase from Craigslist, a farm table and 6 chairs for $75. I only wanted the table so thought, if nothing else, I could donate the chairs. The sellers were a young couple who had several calls, but I was the quickest. I just hauled the set up to Illinois to my daughter and they look lovely all painted and reupholstered.

  4. I have never purchased anything on craigslist but I need to start perusing the ads - I see lots of posts about items from there. I can't wait to see what you do with these!!!

  5. Love the chairs, cant wait to see them with your table! i have never purchased or sold anything on craigslist. I did run an add for free fire wood because we had just cut down a few trees and that went ok two families came out and got some of the wood....the rest of the wood still sits in the woods! I have never purchased cause it freaks me out a little!

  6. I have always been a little apprehensive about buying things on craigslist. Your chairs however, are fabulous! Are you going to leave them "as is" or change them up? I can't wait to see how they look with your table.

  7. i'm the craigslist queen! it takes too much effort and time to run to our local thrift stores... plus their prices are too high! on CL i can usually get what i want CHEAP! and, i'm still alive!!

    these chairs are fabulous! i can't wait to see them at the refinished table!

  8. Another Craig's list buyer and seller here. Love it!
