Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Close-Up of Spring

We've been having beautiful weather the past few days--absolutely perfect.  The Spring season here in Texas slides so fast into the scorching heat of Summer that sunny, slightly breezy days in the mid 70's are cherished.

As I was prowling around my yard with the camera, I spied my neighbor's rose bush and possible photo opportunity next door.  The blooms were at the end of their cycle as evidenced by the droopy petals and brownish areas.  As I shot this particular flower I happened to capture a small beetle enjoying the Spring afternoon, too.  (At least I assume the beetle was in a state of enjoyment and not in a frenzied rage over a fight with it's best beetle bud.  But then again, I know very little about the mind of a beetle.)

How is Spring showing up around your house?  (And have you witnessed any unusual beetle behavior?)

Linking up to these wonderful parties:
Floral Friday Fotos
Project Alicia
Through a Photographer's Eyes
Blueberry Craft and Hobby Time


  1. I pray for NO beetles at my house, because they always seem to attack my roses and canna lilies! This was a nice closeup of the little guy though...the only way I want to see one!

  2. Beautiful shot! Love how delicate the rose looks with the black beetle perched on top.:-) Happy Sunday!

  3. Great shot of the beetle. The rose loos very romantic.

  4. I spotted a beetle scurrying across my family room floor the other day.

    I was not amused. ;)

  5. Great find! And I'm not sure I know anything about the mind of a beetle either... or that I've ever pondered that. lol. Thanks so much for the follow and for linking up to the Leap into Spring Challenge! I hope you'll join us this Friday when we move onto Water/Rain. :)

  6. How beautiful an image this is. The beetle adds so much tot he photo.

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

  7. A great shot, I always love roses and the little bug is a bonus. We had snow last Thursday, it will be a while before the roses show up. Thanks for stopping by, Laura
