Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pantry Inspiration

Can you guess which project I have been working on lately?  I've always dreamed of having a beautiful, spacious walk-in pantry like the one in the photo above.  A room that would be big enough to not only store all the food but to also act as a butler's pantry for my dishes and table linens.

 I would even be happy with large pantry built-ins that were super organized.  The reality is we don't have many cabinets or much storage space in our kitchen.  And between the children's appetites and my tendency to buy a lot of food when it is on sale, our pantry has hit the category of disaster.  Yes, it's true!  (Warning: Do not read ahead if you are a clean freak or prone to fainting at the sight of extreme disorganization.)

 (You've been warned!)  Here is the embarrassing before shot.  I mean, do you think I can shove anything else in there?

 Okay, here is progress.  I removed everything from the pantry (including all the stuff you can still see on the floor.)  I then sorted through every last item and got rid of anything that looked suspicious or things that the children had previously boycotted.

Now, I still have to paint the shelving and walls and organize the rest of the food that made the cut.  I'm still trying to decide on a color and possible design.  (You know it has to look good.)

Shelley from House of Smiths did an adorable makeover on her pantry which is a similar size and style to mine.  I like the vinyl stencil she used on the wall and the colors she chose.  Her pantry looks so organized but she did state that she also had another storage area for food.  That way her pantry always looks neat and never overcrowded.  I don't have the luxury of having another storage area so I have to make everything fit in the pantry in a somewhat organized and semi-cute fashion.

What about your pantry?  Any great organizational or decorative tips?  (Ribbons around the peanut butter jars or stenciling witty quips on each lid?)


  1. I have a tiny closet that is half the size of yours and that is all I have as well. Luckily I just have to feed two people but I do have three dogs whose treats go in the pantry as well...sigh...oh to be blessed with enough storage space to make it look cute!! I am sure that you will come up with something equally as gorgeous as Shelley's.

  2. Lucky duck, I don't even have a pantry.

    Can't wait to see the after. I'm sure it will be fab. And I love an organized space.


  3. My pantry is tiny the only thing cute about it is that I did manage to put the flour, sugar, powder sugar and brown sugar in cute large vintage looking glass jars and I am using antique tea cups for the is somewhat organized though just not very pretty! Can't wait to see how yours turns out! If you inspire me enough I might just give mine a makeover too!! hee hee

  4. My next house is going to have a HUGE pantry. Right now, my pantry is also my broom closet. Sigh.

    I'm drooling over that second picture. That would rock.
