Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meeting New Bloggers

 A few weeks ago I was invited by Lorie at Be Different, Act Normal to a fun little get together with a few other bloggers in the Austin area.  Lorie is in the middle of a move so we met at Hildie's from Beehive And Birdsnest.   Also attending were Kristen from Kristen Duke Photography, Jennifer from Baby Making Machine and Kim from Prairie Mama.  I had such a fun time getting to know these great blogging gals.

Lorie made a yummy lunch for us and I piled my plate high and ate every bite.  (Yes, I did!)  I did save a little room for the delicious chocolate cheesecake though.

 Kristen (the professional photog) took pictures the whole time but I only managed to snap a few shots.  (I know, bad blogger.)  Hildie has such a charming home that I enjoyed looking at all her pretty things.  Now, vinyl decals on the wall are nothing new but Hildie had her tree branch and bird design in a great location on her family room wall with it wrapping around a corner.  It really looked great.

I also loved her photo wall in the kitchen.  She greatly enlarged color photo images with white borders and hung them from string and miniature clothespins.  A great focal point and a cute twist on the traditional gallery wall.

One of my favorite items in Hildie's house I didn't even get a picture of.  (Of course.)  In her entry way, she took a number of large Ikea cabinets and painted and stenciled them.  The color looks to be the same as in her kitchen and the white stencil design is over sized.  Each of her six children have their own cabinet for their shoes, jackets, backpacks and stuff so everything always looks neat.  I kept telling Hildie how much I loved the cabinets while rubbing my hands across them.  (I tend to touch things I think are pretty.  Don't know why--it just happens.)  She may have thought I was loony but outwardly was very nice and answered all my cabinet questions.

I had such a wonderful time meeting new bloggers.  (Thanks so much, Lorie for inviting me.)  All the ladies were interesting, smart and funny.  I've been enjoying reading each of their blogs and learning a little more about each one.  (Congrats on the half marathon, Kim!)

Have you meet any bloggers that you've been following in real life?


  1. Sounds like a great afternoon. I was lucky to meet a blogger that I had been following for over a year! It was Pam Rambo from "iloveshelling". She has an amzing blog on shelling info and updates from my favorite spot on earth - Sanibel Island. She lives there so we met for lunch on my last vacation there. I felt like I was meeting a rock star! I was so nervous. One of the other followers happened to be vacationing there so she met us as well. It was great!!

  2. So jealous! I am dying to meet some of my blog friends in person. Looks like a lovely time :)

  3. I was skimming through my Reader and thought, those flowers look like the ones from lunch! ;D

    I am so glad that you could come and we really need to get together more often!! Maybe we will make it a monthly thing once I have moved into my house!!!

  4. How neat is that!? I am hoping to be able to do the same one day! What intrigues me about blogging is all of the people from so many places around the globe sharing about things they love! It is just neat and it kinda "yanks" you out of the melancholy of life and reminds you just how big the world is and yet still small enough to reach out through a simple blog to meet people...:)

  5. That's so fun! I'm so looking forward to Haven. it'll be my first opportunity to meet bloggers.
