Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Butterflies, Weeds and a Sneak Peek

 We have a patch of sunflowers blooming in our backyard.  We don't live on a farm with acres of land but in a subdivision with a small fenced in yard.  So the sunflowers (which we did not plant) could be considered weeds.  We didn't cut them down when the plain green shoots started emerging through the mulch.  And now we are blessed with bright yellow petals on perfect golden blooms.  A little area of happy.  A reminder to me that oftentimes something amazing can emerge from the simplest beginnings.

 So speaking of simple, I made a butterfly mobile this week out of items I already had on hand.

 I was inspired by a stick that one of my children brought into the house.  (For the purpose of being a Harry Potter wand.)  The minute I saw it I imagined the whole mobile in my mind.

 I used a punch to cut out butterfly shapes from a newspaper and then arranged them in the design I wanted.

 I glued the butterflies back to back along strips of ribbon and tied the ends to the stick.

 That's it.  Nothing fancy or complicated.  Just a simple mobile.  Sometimes simple is all that is needed.

And here is a sneak peek of something I'm working on for my daughter's room.

What are you working on?  


  1. love your sweet little mobile. I just noticed your changed your header, like that too!!

  2. Gorgeous sunflower! Such a terrific shot! Your Harry Potter wand turned butterfly mobile is really cute, too! I can't wait to see the finally reveal of your project...I'm intrigued. :-)
