Friday, June 1, 2012

A Little Redecorating

 Today was the unofficial first day of Summer for my children.  So what exciting things did we do to celebrate the end of the school year?  Just some house cleaning and a little redecorating. (Yes, I chose practical over fun.)  Later on in the day, (after the chores were done) the older kids met up with friends at the neighborhood pool while the youngest (who was nursing a sunburn) had sole control of the Wii.  (I, however, continued to slave away at the housework--which is never done, by the way...)

In addition to housework, I hung up the Our Home sign that my friend, LeeAnn made from an old door a few years back. (It's nice to be able to shop the house.)  I attached it to the vintage window I have sitting on top of the armoire in my kitchen.  And then just set the wreath (which was currently hanging there) beside it.

 I also changed the decor on the mantel.  I kept the blue shutters, ceramic bird and the mini chalkboard but added a gold scrolly mirror I found at a thrift store a few months ago.  (Yes, I definitely have a thing for mirrors--it's a sickness, I tell you.)  I found a couple of wire frames from the back of my closet, too.  I had used them as topiaries a number of years ago.  Once I untangled and removed all the fake ivy they were good to go.  (I really was going for a simple look that incorporated a few different styles.)  I call it my "Almost Summer" mantel.

 While running a few errands I found a couple of pillows at Target that I brought home to try out.  Many pillows have graced the surface of the sofa only to be unceremoniously returned the next day.  All pillows come into my house knowing they are here on a trial basis.  The new pillow is the orangey pink one in the photo above making friends with my current pillows.  (You'll notice I leave the tags on while the pillows are in the probationary period.)

 The bold design in orangey pink is the other new pillow.  (I'm sensing a theme here.)

So here they are casually thrown on the sofa.  I guess I could have styled them a bit more by lining them up equal distance from each other with a single karate chop to the top of each pillow.  But let's be realistic, with a house full of kids it will likely end up a scramble most of the time anyway. (If not directly on the floor.)   I do like the pop of color the new pillows bring into the room.  So what do you think?  Keep them, return them, get rid of the others?   What is your pillow opinion?

1 comment:

  1. I love all the new little changes! I think the new orange pillows are fun and perfect for summer! I say keep them. :-)
