Sunday, June 3, 2012

How Much Is Too Much?

A question that has been weighing on my mind ever since I started this blog is how much personal info should I share?  How much is too little and how much is too much?  There are successful blogs where the only personal item that is revealed is the blogger's name.  Nothing about their family or anything that is going on in their life.  And then on the other hand, there are bloggers who share every intimate detail of their personal lives.  (Perhaps a little too much information at times.)  So what is a good balance?

I haven't mentioned much about my family in Charming Zebra for a couple of reasons:

1) I have stranger danger ingrained in my brain.  I'm afraid that some creeper will use the information for nefarious purposes or to stalk us.

2) My children aren't cute, little babies any more.  They're teenagers now.  (Although, I still think they're cute.)  And because they're not toddlers anymore, stories of messes they got themselves into or silly or naughty behavior could possibly affect their lives.  I wouldn't want to post a picture or tell a story that would embarrass them in front of their friends or would prevent them from getting a job.

We're told (over and over again ) that the best way to blog is to be yourself.  But I've been feeling as though I'm holding back and not truly being myself when blogging.  My family is my life.  So leaving them out of my blog has been difficult for me.

I've considered the two main reasons above why I haven't shared my family in my posts and I've come up with some arguments against them:

1) There are thousands, if not millions of blogs online (and Facebook) where people give out every scintilla of information about themselves and practically draw a map to their home.  So the chances of a creeper targeting us is very slim.

2)  As far as a story or post affecting the kids negatively, I just need to be careful what I write.  (In other words, no posts on  bed wetting, secret crushes or squirrel phobias.)

So I've decided to brave it and officially introduce my family on Charming Zebra.

My youngest (#4).  He has grown up so much in the past 12 months.  This year has been a year of firsts for him.

(#3) is the competitive one.  Year round sports.  He is officially the tallest in the family at 6.1 (and still growing.)

(#2)  is my only girl.  Crafty and creative.  She's a girl after my own heart.  

(#1) The oldest.  My little baby is all grown up and has already flown away from the nest.

I had a hard time finding a picture of my husband and me together. Usually, I'm just snapping photos of the kids.  For some reason we are not even looking at the camera.   (I'm usually quite pale so I was happy to have a little tan.)  And this photo showcases my squinty eyes that disappear when I smile.  (A beloved family trait.)  This photo was taken in Newport Beach, California last October.

So that is my family minus the furry pets, Bella and Lacey.  This isn't going to turn into a family blog but I will incorporate more pictures and more of family life around my projects.

                                    So what do you think?  How much is too much information?


  1. I think it's fun to know a little about a bloggers personal life. It makes it easier to put their posts in context. Thanks so much for introducing your family to us and helping us know you better. I think you've got the right approach to share some but not too much info, it is a dangerous world out there after all...

  2. You have a lovely family and it was nice to meet them! I have the same feelings about creepers and haven't posted about my family as yet. I think blogging should be a fun experience. My suggestion would be to only do what you feel comfortable with. We will enjoy your blog and come back for more anyway.:)Kathleen

  3. Great pictures of your family! I agree with the above comments. It is really nice to know a little about a blogger's personal life, however, only share what you are comfortable with. :-)

  4. I share your concerns about my kids privacy...I've shown a bit but like names (I don't think...hmmmm). It is nice to know a bit and I think yours is just enough....those two oldest boys are handsome! The others look pretty good too...LOL
    Blessings, Lorraine

  5. Awesome pics!! You are so blessed!! I don't kow how you keep up with 4 kiddos, I only have 2 and I don't have a minute to spare!!

  6. i share your woes about holding back and posting about my family and other personal info....but i've loosened up lately and i'm sure i'll suffer for it!

  7. No Names, let your kids decide if you can tell the story, be VERY general. I have a stalker, it's not fun.....and I don't even blog!

  8. This is a great thought to explore. We do things when we are ready. It creeped me out at first to even have a blog. I asked my family if they minded I share information about them. My husband asked that I call him "Dan", not "hubby". My kids generation live on Facebook so this blogging didn't bother them a bit. I ask them to check my blog periodically and I will remove anything they don't like. They know how much I enjoy it and the creativity it brings and they say it makes them feel like movie stars. Your family is beautiful and you have a very pretty smile.

  9. I find this such a tough one. My comfort level has changed since I started my blog - at first it was very constrained, but I'm learning to relax. This summer will be the 2-year mark for my blog, and my family was introduced quite a while ago. My daughter is 17, so before I post her photo or anything about her, I always run it by her. She has complete veto power, and has exercised it! My husband actually likes to be referred to as hubby or hubs as his work is very serious, and he likes the lighter side of our life to come out. I just find blogging is always a work in progress, and if there's a little voice niggling with something I'm thinking about posting, I run it by my family, or I just don't post it at all. I try to listen to what my gut is telling me in the moment regardless of what others might be sharing...

  10. I have to say that I think you've already done a great job of subtly mentioning your family without giving too much detail. The reader can definitely feel how much you care for them by how much you do for them (hello, ombre cake and Friday night bake-offs with your daughter's friends!).
