Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Definition of Art

 During Spring Break, my teenage daughter and three of her friends gathered at our house for another creative endeavour.  Earlier in the week, four of them had participated in Cookie Wars where each of the four  created their own cookies to be judged by a panel of impartial judges (hungry siblings) to determine which cookie baker was the best.  Well, my kitchen survived the baking frenzy and the group was back to collaborate on creating a piece of art this time.

I just happened to have a large canvas and some paint in my craft stash.  The kids grabbed brushes and went to work.  The canvas was quite large so they painted it outside while listening to music.  They were so focused on the painting that they didn't talk much.  (Usually the chatter is non stop!)

 The children were excited about their mini mural and were thrilled when I hung it on a wall in our living room.

As I stood back and admired the bright colors and abstract patterns of the canvas, I thought about the definition of art.  What truly is considered a piece of art?  Does someone in the know have to deem it as such?    I've seen art that has moved me to tears as well as pieces that I have wanted to throw in the garbage.  I've found that the definition of art is different for each person.   My feeling is that it has to be something that you have a reaction to, something that moves you.  (Whether positively or negatively.)   So I have an oversized painted canvas (by a group of first-time painters) hanging in my living room.  Each time I look at the painting, a new pattern emerges.   And to me, it's Art

 Another fave of mine is nature's Art.  My family knows I love flowers of all kinds so I received a number of different bouquets this Mother's Day.

I also received a sweet rose corsage.  (A large white rose and three small yellow rosettes.)

So what about you?  What is your definition of Art?

Linking up to these fun parties:

Floral Friday Fotos
Tina's PicStory
McDougall Photography
Blueberry Craft and Hobby Time
Photograph Life
Happily Mother After
The Hollie Rogue


  1. Wow! That is such a bright happy "work of art"! Kudos to the girls.

  2. LOVE the art! The girls did a fabulous job. :-) I would definitely want this cheery piece hanging in my home!

  3. thanks for your lovely weekend flowers and your artwork is also fantastic! :)

  4. Great macro of the flowers!

  5. Love their work of art, so beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing with Foto Friday,


  6. First, I'd hang that painting and I'm not a big fan of abstracts. I love all the vignettes painted by many hands. Your flowers are gorgeous.

    I think art is evocative, something sensual that touches the soul. An inelegant description because I honestly think art defies definition.

  7. kid's art is always the best kind--it's fresh and dear to our hearts.:p
    love your marcos!

  8. lovely photo - the second one is my favorite

  9. Very creative teenagers - they must be a lot of fun to have around. Your flower photos are truly very artsy.

  10. Lovely post. The painting is beautiful and the kids deserve praise! Wonderful flower photos.

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

  11. That is too cute! How cool that your kids made it and now it's hanging on the wall. I'm sure that makes them feel so special and loved. Thanks so much for linking up to Happily Mother After! Hope to see more from you in the weeks to come. :)
