Monday, May 21, 2012

The (Frustrating) Knife Block Makeover

Sometimes it's the little things that can make the biggest impact.  Or cause the most problems.

 My knife block was the traditional golden brown chunk of wood that resides in so many kitchens today.  It definitely stood out just sitting on the counter.  (But not in a good way.)  It just did not gel with the general look of my kitchen.  My plan was to paint it so it would look a little prettier.

 I cleaned it well and then sanded it down.  I decided not to use a primer because I wanted to be able to easily distress it.  I spray painted it with Krylon's Catalina Mist.

 After the paint was dry, I taped around the edges and sprayed Chalkboard paint in the center.

 And that is when the problems started.  While the knife block was sitting outside to dry, a bird thought it would be fun to relieve himself right on the center of the block.  (Bull's eye!)  After I cleaned up the lovely mess and removed the tape I discovered that the paint had bled through.  (A common beginner's mistake.  Really?)   I obviously wasn't paying attention when I applied the tape.  It was going to be a pain to touch up since I had used spray paint instead of a brush.  And then in the middle of my frustration I realized that I didn't even like the design, anyway.  (It was a lot of trouble for nothing since I had run out of chalkboard paint and had to go to the store for more.)

So I repainted the whole thing in Catalina Mist and grabbed some stamps.

The butterfly was bordering on too cutesy but was the right size for the block so I went with it.  (I mean, who doesn't want a butterfly stamped knife block?)

 So here is the finished project (for now.)  I'm not exactly loving it but I like it much better than before.

(I just realized that I never distressed it.)  I guess it's fine for now.  (Although I'm starting to think of polka dots.)  I'm just happy that my sharps are all corralled safely in the block and not scattered across the counter top.  (Like they had been the last few days...)

So what about you?  Have you entered the land of remodeled knife blocks and survived?

Linking up with these fun parties:

Kammy's Korner
Home Stories A to Z
Not Just a Housewife
The Frugal Girls
The DIY Showoff
French Country Cottage
Funky Junk
Tatertots & Jello
Be Different Act Normal
I Heart Naptime


  1. I never thought to paint my knife block! That such a good idea. Sorry it was a pain, but at least it turned out nice. I really like the color you used!

  2. I am really enjoying your blog. I can't even remember how I stumbled on to it!!! Anyway- the knife block looks so much better. I think I will paint mine aswell, I hope I don't miss the light pine finish! haha

  3. I just re-vamped one end of my counter and I told my daughter if I could just figure out what to do with those silly knives, I would love the other end, too. Well now I have an idea.... :)

  4. The story about the bird poo just made me laugh. :-) I love the new blue color! I would love to paint mine...just not sure what color to paint it.

  5. Uhhhh so why did I never think of painting my boring as heck knife block????? SO CUTE!!!!

  6. I'd like to paint ours up, I like the butterfly you used and the blue is really pretty! I can feel your frustration over the bird poop incident, I had one do it's duty on my head once. yeah. :/

  7. I have never thought to paint my knife block either! So creative!
    I totally understand your frustrations as a beginner painter as well. I haven't had bird poop, just bugs landing on my paint jobs! And I am the worst painters taper in the world! But if you didn't say anything, I would totally never have known. It looks pretty as it is!

  8. What a genius idea! Now I just have to convince my hubby :) I would love for you to link this up at Well Crafted Wednesdays! You can find it here:
