Saturday, May 19, 2012

One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days where you felt like a tortoise in a race against a bunch of hares?
That's kind of the day I had..  (I'm working on two different projects at the same time so neither is close to being finished.  One of them was painted and set to dry outside when a bird decided it would be funny to relieve himself right on top of it.)  Splattered by nature!

The little tortoise face above belongs to Walker Texas Ranger.  He lives at my friend, Debbie's house.  I did a post on him last year and this past week had the opportunity to photograph him again.    What a delight!  He'll have a post all his own soon but today there is just a sneak peek!

Linking to this fun party:


  1. Ha! I have TOO many days like that! Love the photo of Walker.

  2. I think the bird felt like he need to redesign your painting job lol. Kidding!

    Thanks for constibuting to Shadow Shot Sunday!
    Light Shining through petals, have a blessed Sunday!

  3. As you get older you tend have more of those days than not. That is a super shot of the turtle.

  4. What a fun, clever shot! He's looking at you as if to say "why are you down here on my level?!".

  5. What a gorgeous character who clearly enjoys basking in the sunshine!
