Monday, August 15, 2011

Death Cab For Cutie, Frightened Rabbit and an Office

It seems as though it has been forever since I last posted.  I've had computer problems and have just been so busy wrapping up the end of Summer.  (Before school starts, anyway...)  So instead of doing some home projects this weekend I was up in the Dallas area with some friends attending a concert.  We went to see the indie rock group, Death Cab For Cutie.  For those who aren't so familiar with this band, they chose their unusual name from a song title in the 1967 Beatles film, Magical Mystery Tour.  The Scottish indie rock band, Frightened Rabbit opened for them.  (Loved the accent!)  The picture above was taken about 30 seconds before Frightened Rabbit began playing.  Once the concert started I forgot to take any more pictures so I don't have any of the headliner.  We had great seats and the concert was terrific.  I really had a good time.

So also this week our internet stopped working and it took a number of days for the problem to be fixed.  It was frustrating not being able to post.  (Thankfully I didn't take any pictures of my (semi-irate) husband trying to deal with the company during numerous phone calls over an extended period of time.)  And thankfully it is working now.

The office in our house is a room that is used daily.  It is the first room you see when you walk into our home.  (The floor plans for our house called it the formal living room.)  It has a number of computers, a couple of mismatched (ugly) desks and a huge number of cords snakeing their way against the wall.  It's a little disfunctional for our family (as well as visually hideous--nothing like the beautiful room above.)  I've been trying to plan a way to fix the space for a while now but it is a little difficult coming up with a layout that suits all our needs.  I love looking at pictures of offices on Pinterest for inspiration.  The problem (aside from being heavily edited and styled) is that most of  the spaces are only intended for one person or two at the absolute most.

I would like a room that has three spaces for computers as well as a place for file cabinets, printers, and all the other office paraphenalia.  I want something that is built-in with white cabinets along two of the walls.  I like the style of the cabinets in the picture above (even though it seems to be from a kitchen.)

This is more of what I am envisioning except with desk and file space.

I absolutely love the brick backsplash in this desk area! 

All I need now is to find a trustworthy, highly skilled, reasonably priced carpenter who can bring my vision to life.  If anyone knows of a person who fits that description, works in the Austin area and willing to work with a demanding perfectionist then do send him or her my way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gina. I do know a top-knotch carpenter who lives in my ward. I've seen multiple houses where he has done finishing/remodelding work and everything he has done is beautiful and perfect. I don't know how affordable he is but I'm sure you could work something out. Send me an email and I'll give you his info. cjarmga at yahoo dot com
