Monday, September 5, 2011

Dreaming of Snow, Praying for Rain

 It's easy to dream of snow when you're at the end of a hot Texas summer.  Easily the driest and most scorching on record.  Here in the Austin area we have been breaking all kinds of records for the most days over 100 degrees. 

Now, we're used to the heat around here.  (99 degrees, no problem.  104 degrees, bring it on.)  Unfortunately, the real problem is that we haven't been blessed with a single raindrop for so long.  It's the draught that is the killer.

We've been praying for rain.  It is a little interesting that we're dealing with the oppressive heat and draught and all the complications from that while our neighbors on the other side of the U.S. are challenged with the other extreme--a deluge of rain and flooding.

We thought we were getting a little reprieve from the heat this weekend.  We were actually in Houston Friday and Saturday for my son's soccer tournament.  It was extremely windy.  I don't think I've ever seen such large dust clouds rolling across the soccer fields enveloping the kids.  The players were absolutely filthy after each game.  Dust was everywhere!  (And I mean EVERYWHERE!)

Back home on Sunday the wind took a sinister turn lighting fires throughout the Austin area.  A neighborhood near us was evacuated but fortunately sustained no damage.  Other areas weren't so lucky.  Another neighborhood within the city lost 30 homes to fire.  It was reported that a nearby city lost over 300.


I usually don't dedicate the content of my posts to the weather.  But this is what is on my mind .  This is what we are experiencing.   I'm sitting here today counting my blessings and thinking of those who have experienced loss and are facing difficult challenges to come.

Just dreaming of snow and praying for rain.

(photo credits: snow: ; snow: ; rain: ; rain: )


  1. Yes, we need rain! Ugh. We're pretty close to where those fires were, too...praying for the wind to GO AWAY right now and for RAIN!!!...We are enjoying the temperature right now though.

  2. I know! Today is such a beautiful day.

  3. Aah, I love those pics. I hear ya about the rain. I'm in the Hill Country and it's amazing how the lack of rain has ruined so much. God is good though!
