Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude (Day 30) Little things.

When I first started writing this Gratitude series  I wanted a way to remember to be thankful for the little things.  To appreciate those things that make life a little more interesting whether it's something as simple as petting a cat, watching a sunset or making a wish on a dandelion puff.

So today I'm thankful for the opportunity of being mindful of the little things in life.  Things that make my heart soar and bring a smile to my face.  Hooray for Gratitude!

(photo credit:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your wonderful series on gratitude. It has made me stop and think about all the many people, things, etc. that bless my life each and every truly is the little things which enrich and bless our lives.
