Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oh, Christmas Trees

 The three trees at our house are all lit up and sparkly but bare underneath.  Most years I have all the Christmas gifts practically finished by Thanksgiving.  This year, however, I haven't even gone seriously shopping yet.  Yikes!

 My tabletop tree has graduated to it's own planter this year.  You may have recognized it from my post on the Halloween tree.  I found the urn at Goodwill a few months ago and gave it a new paint job.  The vintage ornaments were found at a tiny thrift store in Abilene, Texas last year.  The two different shades of green and the tiny white are glass.  The larger white are the satin type of ball ornaments that are no longer made.  (Gee, I wonder why...)

The family tree is usually put up in the piano (dining) room.  It has colored lights, handmade and school ornaments as well as ornaments given to us as gifts.  This tree is very homey and holds a lot of memories.  It especially looks great at night.

 I alternate the trees in the living room each year between the large full tree and the medium sized one.  This year is the medium.  The large tree requires each individual branch to be hand placed together and takes the better part of the day just to set it up.  (And that is before any lights or decor is added.)  Lights still need to be added to the medium tree but it is so much faster to put up--just pop the three sections together and fluff out the branches.  It doesn't look nearly as real (or awesome) as the large tree but sometimes shaving off five hours of time is worth it.

The tree in the living room usually has white lights and is a little more showy.  I change the design of the tree and mantel from year to year but have liked the color combo of blue, red and silver for about the last three years.  I usually wrap the presents to match, too.

I realize that the simple burlap Christmas decor is quite popular right now but we have always gone for the bling.  Sparkle and shine at our home.  I guess it's one of our traditions.

What about your family Christmas tree?  Trendy or traditional?  Simple or spectacular?


  1. Hello. I'm visiting from Romantic Home--we're waaay at the end of the 500+ posts, so I thought I'd start at the end for those of us who've been a little busy :) Your trees look beautiful! I'll follow you; hope you'll visit me and follow too. Merry Christmas!

  2. Wow, I love your trees! I just helped my friend decorate her tree yesterday. Her motto is "There's no such thing as tacky at Christmas." Her tree had tons of random ornaments and four strings of different kinds of lights, and it looked amazing! Our tree is kind of "meh" this year since we don't have that many ornaments. I'm hitting the sales after Christmas and stocking up.

  3. Your Christmas Tree is so beautiful and festive. I really like the lushness of it!

    Thank you for linking to the Christmas Tree Party at 2805!

    I am following you too!

  4. Oh my goodness, you had me at the first picture! Love your three trees, and like you I have hardly done a bit of shopping :O

    Guess we'd better get off this computer and head to the mall :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm so glad to visit (and follow!) back.


  5. Wow - I thought I had alot on my tree, but your second one really beats mine. They all look gorgeous. I'm going to follow - here's hoping you can pay my blog a visit !

  6. Oh my gosh!!! I love your trees! The ornaments on the red, blue & silver one are just gorgeous...truly.

    Thank you so so much for sharing them at my Christmas tree linky!!!

  7. Beautiful trees! And what thrifty finds too! Your urn and ornaments are great. I love your color scheme too. Very nice. I'm your newest follower and I hope you can pop by Cottage and Creek and follow back. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  8. Such pretty trees! I like that you have a special tree for all the family and children ornaments. I thought I was already following your blog and saw that I wasn't...sorry about that! I am now following.

    All the best,

  9. Our tree leans toward the traditional, but I always try to incorporate something a little modern. Guess it's eclectic.

  10. WoW! Your trees look *awesome*! How absolutely lovely.

  11. What beautiful trees! Can I come spend Christmas with you?

  12. Your trees are beautiful. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  13. Your trees look great! Especially love the one with the blue, red, and silver ornaments. So pretty! :)

  14. I love the tiny white ornaments on your smallest tree - I thought they were lights at first! Decorating the tree is always one of my favorite parts of the season (along with all the Christmas baking, of course!) so I love that you have three of them!

  15. I love all your trees! I especially love the color combo on the living room tree. This is my first visit to your blog after you came by and left a comment on mine. I'm your newest follower. I've enjoyed my visit today!
